Monday, December 31, 2018

SparkPeople – Why do you want to be healthy?

SparkPeople – Why do you want to be healthy?

Monday, December 31, 2018


I recently rejoined SparkPeople, an online support group that promotes healthier living.  They encourage us to let go of bad habits, and develop new ones that will help us achieve our goals.
Today's SparkPeople question was "Why do you want to be healthy?" The team asked me to consider these three questions in developing my answer. 

  • What hurdles have you come up against in the last six months? How could being healthy have made those hurdles nonexistent or easier to handle? 
  • When you look back on your life, what do you hope to see? What needs to change in your life now to achieve that vision? 
  • What are three things that make you most excited about being a healthier you? 
  • copyright

So here goes! 

My health has been poor and steadily declining over the last few years. I am dependent upon a walker to go more than a few steps and to do the daily tasks of living (such as shopping, meal preparation, and cleaning my home). I seldom leave the apartment anymore because I am in constant pain and it's very hard to get around. Thankfully, my walker has a seat so I can rest every few minutes on those occasions that I must venture out. 

I am too embarrassed to invite guests into our home as I cannot get around to keep things clean and tidy; consequently, I am often lonely and depressed. 

I have open sores that will not heal because of my diabetes and recurring bouts of MRSA; these are worsened because I have a hard time taking care of my personal hygiene. I cannot stand long enough to take a shower anymore; so, we purchased a bariatric shower chair. Even so the whole process just wears me out. 

If I were at a healthier weight, I would be better able to take care myself and the daily routines that make life bearable; my pain would be reduced as I would be putting less stress on the bones, joints, and muscles that strain to keep me moving and hurt continuously. The doctors recommend exercise; but exercise hurts and leaves me short of breath. I am on so many medications that I should rattle when I walk. 

I would like to look back on my life and see that I had the strength and energy to take care of myself and to be a blessing to others. Right now I feel that I am a terrible burden to my husband and the few friends we have left. 

We dream of travelling in a van or small motor-home when we retire. We’ve always wanted to explore the National Parks and to travel the United States in our rolling home. With my health as it is I cannot be certain that dream can will true. 

My job now is to lose weight, build my strength and stamina, and prepare for a healthier happier life. I need to let go of some bad habits; I need to move more and eat less junk food. I need to develop good habits such as eating real food, moving a little further and picking up a little more each day so I can meet my goal and achieve my vision for the future. 

The top three things that motivate and excite me to become a healthier me are: 

Independence: To be able to come and go with less pain and without dependency on canes, and walkers, and wheelchairs. 

Relationships: I look forward to the day that my husband is glad when he hears me speak his name; and I want to be a blessing to others. 

Freedom: I want to be free of all the prescription medications I take, free of shame, and free of loneliness and depression. 

Please pray with me as I embark on this new journey to becoming a healthier happier Mary.

Your prayers and encouragement are truly appreciated. 

Thanks so much for your support.